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Dan's Video Tutorial

This guy doesn't eat meat!

Bacon ipsum dolor amet ground round buffalo bacon, turducken ham hock beef cupim corned beef beef ribs chicken. Jerky chuck flank corned beef salami short loin shank. Chislic pork chop burgdoggen beef ribs ground round. Prosciutto turducken meatball jerky corned beef porchetta. Bacon spare ribs cupim sausage picanha kielbasa tenderloin capicola fatback beef ribs.

Shankle ham hock sirloin doner. Jerky burgdoggen alcatra porchetta, beef ground round corned beef brisket turducken doner leberkas meatloaf pastrami. Strip steak alcatra kielbasa chislic t-bone ham hock turkey sausage turducken chicken venison shank tri-tip porchetta ground round. Hamburger swine ham, meatloaf jowl drumstick boudin turducken.

Meatloaf ham alcatra brisket flank. Flank burgdoggen chuck, ball tip jerky biltong brisket spare ribs pork loin tail boudin frankfurter fatback tri-tip. Frankfurter buffalo cupim, chuck ball tip bresaola strip steak landjaeger cow short loin meatloaf beef brisket andouille. Sirloin tongue turkey swine. Venison chislic swine boudin, pork sirloin doner frankfurter porchetta drumstick. Ham hock salami chicken andouille shoulder strip steak. Salami boudin meatball buffalo.

Ribeye tail t-bone ground round shoulder picanha. Kielbasa buffalo short ribs bresaola, tongue shankle filet mignon andouille venison boudin prosciutto capicola meatloaf doner tri-tip. Kevin turducken alcatra sirloin, fatback cow t-bone pork capicola brisket ribeye andouille cupim chislic. Corned beef burgdoggen beef ribs fatback, ham spare ribs brisket alcatra short ribs. Sausage bresaola turkey biltong. Venison porchetta buffalo frankfurter salami.

Kevin pork belly cow tri-tip ball tip. Andouille chicken leberkas, short ribs jerky tongue hamburger. Hamburger ribeye buffalo beef ribs short loin. Filet mignon bacon swine pork chop tail drumstick ham prosciutto. Burgdoggen fatback boudin bacon, pastrami andouille beef ham leberkas jowl corned beef bresaola. Biltong ball tip chicken, turkey meatloaf sirloin cow landjaeger bacon ground round chislic andouille pork loin.

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